Funding Oppourtunities
Please see the links below for help with funding opportunities for Hampshire & IOW based clubs
If you require any help with form filling or advice do not hesitate to contact Club Support Officer Avoen Perryman who will be only to happy to assist with any questions you may have
28.10.20 - Please be advised that the Co-op Covid-19 Fund is now open for grant applications from charities, community groups and voluntary organisations working to tackle food poverty, to help vulnerable people across Hampshire, Portsmouth, Southampton and the Isle of Wight.
Grants of between £1,000 to £5,000 are available for projects that provide access to nutritious food and balanced meals, redistribute surplus food, help educate on shopping smartly to make low cost meals, limit food waste and prioritise the wellbeing of children and young people impacted by food poverty.
For more information or to apply via the HIWCF website, please go to: www.hiwcf.com/funds/co-op-covid-19/ before midday on 13th November 2020.
Please be advised that the new NET Coronavirus Programme is now open for grant applications via the HIWCF website: www.hiwcf.com/grants/ for organisations across Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton.
05.08.20 - Grants of up to £5,000 can cover core costs and will help towards the financial sustainability of organisations who are directly supporting people that are experiencing hardship as a result of the ongoing crisis.
Grants will also support groups that can prevent crises escalating within communities, with priority given to those who are reaching the most vulnerable and those at greatest risk of negative social, health or economic impacts.
Projects responding to acute need will still be prioritised and applications are welcomed from organisations where Covid-19 has had a disproportionate negative impact, including BAME communities.
The new NET Coronavirus Programme represents a transition from the initial relief phase dealing with the immediate shock of the crisis, to the longer term resilience and response phrase providing help for those suffering from the economic and social aftermath of the pandemic.
There is currently no closing date for grant applications.
Many thanks
05.08.20 - Tackling Inequalities Fund for clubs struggling still in light of the coronavirus is open for applications, and full info along with the application form & guidance is on the following link https://www.englandboxing.org/news_articles/tackling-inequalities-fund-now-being-distributed/
Funding is up to £3,000 per club and is for those in greatest need, so we're prioritising applications from clubs who:
1. Have not received financial support or emergency grant funding already during the pandemic, &;
2. are serving those in the top 20% most disadvantaged areas (i.e. IMD 1 or 2) which you can find out for your club by using this link: http://dclgapps.communities.gov.uk/imd/iod_index.html#
Clubs who do not meet this criteria but can still evidence need and hardship may still be eligible. Please contact me if you wish to discuss.
Best Wishes,
Avoen Perryman
01.05.20 - If you require any help with form filling or advice do not hesitate to contact Club Support Officer Avoen Perryman who will be only to happy to assist with any questions you may have
Hampshire & IOW Community Foundation: http://www.hiwcf.com/grants/
Hampshire County Council Grants: https://www.hants.gov.uk/community/grants/grants-list
Energise Me (Hampshire & IOW County Sports Partnership): https://www.energiseme.org/funding/
Sport England Small Grants: https://www.sportengland.org/funding/small-grants/